Jira Data Center

Jira Data Center also has Automation rules

Submitted by ravisagar on

I often get asked this question about low code automation options on Jira DC. Good news is that the automation rules are there on Jira on prem but not many people know about it.

#AutomationRules #JiraDC

Jira DC skills are niche and rare

Submitted by ravisagar on

Jira DC skills are not only rare also if you develop your niche around it then it will help you stay relevant and earn more money.

#jira #careeradvice

Jira DC Consolidation - Various merge strategies

Submitted by ravisagar on

Jira Data Center instances often needs to be consolidated but you don't always have to merge in one go. There are some options.

#JiraDCMerge #MergeStrategy


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